Ben, a middle aged black labrador developed a large skin growth near his hip earlier this year. The growth had appeared during the summer and was quickly increasing in size. Ben's owner, Lee was of course very concerned and booked an appointment with Dr.Higson to have it assessed.
Dr. Higson immediately suspected the growth to be malignant and explained to Lee that it was going to be necessary to remove a large margin of normal skin around it to make sure that it was all removed. Despite having plenty of loose skin in the affected area, Ben still didn't have enough spare to be able to close the large gap that would be created by the surgery.
After careful pre-operative planning, Dr. Higson decided that the best way to deal with this problem was to perform a "rotation-flap" procedure using skin from further away on Ben's body, that could be then manoeuvred (along with its blood supply) to close the wound without undue tension.
The surgery went very well and as Ben was very well behaved in the recovery period, and this, along with Dr. Higson's skills allowed the wound to heal beautifully! The tumour was removed in its entirety with a single procedure and Ben is now back to leading his normal life!